Thursday, March 17, 2011

Today’s Thought from the Universe

Everyday I get a new email from I love receiving these little bits of wisdom on a daily basis and I just had to share the one I received today. They are always personalized but I removed my name in order for it to apply to everyone who takes the time to read it. This one really put a smile on my face and all is right with the world (at least for a moment).

Happy St. Paddy’s Day!!!Tinkerbell With Attitude
Graphic by Kirei Graphics

If speaking to a spiritual novice during the darker days of human evolution, one might explain God, metaphorically, as if "He" were angry, testing, and judgmental.

To someone a bit more savvy, during easier times, one might explain God, metaphorically, as if "She" were always loving, nurturing, and forever conspiring on our behalf.

And to someone on the verge of a total breakthrough, during the latter days of human evolution, one might explain God by asking them to turn up the music, take off their shoes, walk in the grass, unleash the dogs, free the canary, catch a breeze, ride a wave, dance every day, get up early, take a nap, stay out late, eat chocolate, feel the love, give stuff away, earn it back, give some more, and laugh.... Really.

Really, really.

Catch a breeze,

The Universe

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